Oh, we’re halfway there….

Through finals season. I am still alive, still loving the Pub, but up to my ears in homework.

I did get a guest bartending shift in two Wednesdays that could lead to a nice second job (the owner is far too unstable to ever work that job alone) this summer, exactly what I needed….fell out of the sky!

About Malachi the Drink Slinger

Finally transferring to that four year school in January, my goals made, my life set, the blinders dropped, my past signed and sealed, my future bright and airy, a writer, a thinker, a feeler, someone who is enthralled by beauty, an artist worth slightly more than two shits, a lover, a fighter, a person on the way to become the person I have always wanted to be....

One comment

  1. as a jersey girl, I appreciate this title.
    Unfortunately, I have another two weeks before I’m done the semester.

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